Dikir Barat
Temasek Polytechnic Dikir Barat (TPDK) is a vibrant traditional Malay
art form that involves 15 or more people doing responsorial singing, led
by a couple of lead singers and accompanied by Malay percussions. It is
a traditional art form anchored in the use of poetry and creative lyrics.
Istana Open House Performance (2023)
Dreams XII - TPDK-driven video and music production, “Berani Berubah” (2022)
Piala Suara Serumpun 2023 (Women’s): Nominated for Best Tukang Karut and Best Awok-Awok
Piala Suara Serumpun 2022 (Women's): Second Placing, Best Percussionists, Nominated for Best Lyrics, Best Tukang Karut and Best Awok-Awok
Piala Suara Serumpun 2022 (Men's): Third Placing, Nominated for Best Lyrics and Best Tukang Karut
Piala Suara Serumpun 2019 (Women's): Champion, Best Lyrics
Piala Suara Serumpun 2019 (Men’s): The Green Pen Award
Piala Suara Serumpun 2018 (Women's): Champion, Best Lead Singer, Best Percussion, Best Song
Piala Suara Serumpun 2018 (Men’s): Champion, Best Lead Singer, Best Lyrics
Piala Suara Serumpun 2017 (Women’s): Best Lead Singer
About CCA
Training Days
Monday & Wednesday, 6.30pm to 9.30pm (On-Campus)
Additional training days, nearing show day
Staff Advisor